"Animal" Education And Conservation Shows Back On Animal Planet

  • ontvanger: Animal Planet Channel
As someone who works to help the health of as well as save animals every day, I believe they should consider changing their channels name. Building tree houses, making alcohol, selling guns, finding mythical creatures among other shows have absolutely no correlation to animals and or trying to keep them around which frustrates me. Makes me think they don't even care about actually giving knowledge and or saving endangered animals, which are very important to learn about preserving and keeping alive especially for future generations to be able to see in real life and not on just a TV screen as once was. It should be focused on animal education, learning about why they are important to our ecosystem as well as thier behaviors and why they act that way. From jungles far away to our companions that we love in our households, it should be important that we teach our children and anyone who is misinformed to learn about how to help keep them around to enjoy how unique and fascinating animals are and how they help keep the planet healthy.
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